Thursday 19 June 2014

AOI Illustration awards - Thoka Maer, a rather beautiful discovery

Loved flicking through the AOI's illustration award winning categories today. I took a particular fancy to Thoka Maer's work. 'It's no Biggie', her little, cheeky pencil drawn and digitally­ animated GIFs are quite charming. 

The interview on the AOI website, gives a great insight into the way she works. I also love the way she describes what intrigues her about her practice... 

My illustrations have been on screens in places I will never see, they've glanced into faces I'll never meet, they were talked about in languages I cannot speak. This modern day ability to communicate over such distances­ it will probably never stop fascinating me." 

What a nice way to think of it? I reckon I could have a good conversation with this lady!